How to navigate platform toolbar

Starting to trade with a new broker can be tough, especially when learning about the platform and its technical features. Here you will find a simple guide to assist you in beginning your trading journey.
Navigating the product menu in our trading platform is a crucial aspect of your trading journey. The product menu is organised into different asset categories such as Cryptocurrencies, Equities, Forex Exotics, Forex Majors, Forex Minors, Futures, Commodities, CFD Energies, Indices, and Cryptocurrencies, each representing various financial instruments. Within these categories, you’ll find specific products available for trading, such as individual company stocks or currency pairs.
The platform empowers you to personalise your trading dashboard by utilising its key features to create a customised layout tailored to your preferences.

1. Core features that you selected will be shown on this page.
2. Access the instrument’s charts and technical analysis tools.
3. Your quick access to current open positions.
4. Create your own watchlist and access the instruments that you are interested in quickly.
5. Monitor your account by setting up orders, see history of order and trade, cash movements, and messages.
6. Customise your trading layout using the core features available: watchlist, market depth, alerts, trading journal, trading dashboard.
7. New feature that allows you to open and close positions, and cancel orders with just one click.
8. Detailed view of your account balance, equity, profit and loss, used margin, free margin, margin level (percentage).
9. Account type with instrument that you are trading with.
10. Once you find a layout that you are comfortable with, save it here.
11. Access account statement, turn on broker price alerts, configure password, change languages and theme, and log out.
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